Lenten Cross Series
The next 6 or 7 posts will be from a series of children's talks I am writing for my church during the season of Lent. The idea for this series comes from Carolyn Brown. Brown comes from a Presbyterian background and has an excellent website called "Worshipping with Children". On it are children's talks and a multitude of other ideas for including children in public worship.(http://worshipingwithchildren.blogspot.com.au/)
As part of this "Lenten Cross" series, my Parish Pastor has encouraged congregational members to bring into church a cross or crucifix that is significant to them. These crosses are then being displayed in the front of the church on a table. People have also been invited to write on a place card why that cross is special to them. It's been great to see children check them out and especially how people have been noticing them after they receive holy communion on their way back to their seats.
Each of the children's talks in this series will focus on a particular type of cross and the person rostered on to deliver them will talk, pray, as well as get the kids moving as they interview people in the pews and look at the table of crosses. I hope they spark off further ideas as you read them and they get your creative juices flowing.
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