We’ve been looking at crosses in this season of Lent. Lent is the 40 days we are in at the moment before we celebrate Easter. Last week people have been asked to bring in a favourite cross that they might own and we have this display of crosses here in the front of the church. We’ll check that out in a moment. Did you know that Jesus talked about the cross a few times to his disciples. He warned them that he was going to die on the cross, and that each of them would have their own cross to bear. In verse 34 of our gospel reading, we’ll hear that next, Jesus said; If anyone would come after me, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me”.
Did you hear that? If we are to
be followers of Jesus we are to take up and bear the cross. You know that’s why
some people wear jewellery crosses to show that they below to Jesus, that they
are Christian. Do any of you children have a cross on a necklace? (Check them
out if they do) Do any of the adults out there have jewellery crosses on?
(Check them out briefly too if they do). Some people even wear cross tattoos, tattoos
are very popular for people to wear on their bodies now days. Simply wearing a
cross doesn’t make us Christian though. If someone is following Jesus, they
don’t only wear a cross but also want to live like Jesus and that means not
only wearing but bearing the cross. To bear the cross means when we follow
Jesus we love God and the people around us everyday even when it gets hard. We
love like Jesus which means we have to sacrifice ourselves, we have to give
things up. That’s what Jesus meant when he said we are to deny ourselves. So we
can wear the cross, as a piece of jewellery, and that’s a great thing to
identify ourselves as Christian but we also bear the cross, we love God and those
people around us even when it hurts. Any of you guys got a young brother or
sister who annoys you at times? This is a good opportunity for you to bear the
cross and love them like Jesus. And ask God to help you do that.
a look at the crosses that congregational members have brought in and ask them;
what does the cross mean to them or why their particular cross is significant
to them. Go up to briefly interview the people in the pew with the kids. Check
out the crosses that are on display at the front of the church.
at the front of the church with the kids while the gospel reading is read.
Prime them to listen and be ready to hear the words of Jesus in verse 34. Then
after the gospel is read, let them go back to their seats.
you have, or can obtain them, hand out some temporary cross tattoos to the
children at the end of the talk.
Dear Jesus, thank you for the
road you took to the cross. Help us to follow you not only by wearing our crosses
but also by bearing them. Amen.
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