Lent 1 Genesis 9:11 “Rainbow Cross”
(If you can obtain a cross with a rainbow on it bring it along to show and tell the kids. Or alternatively bring a picture of a rainbow)
Do you remember the story of Noah and the Flood? (Draw the details of the story out of the kids if they are willing to offer it)
That’s right God sent a flood to the earth because of all the wrong things people were doing in the world. But God made a promise to Noah, a covenant. Can you say that word with me? COVENANT. It simply means a promise. And the promise God made with Noah was that never again would he send a flood to wipe out all the animals and people of the world.
God has kept that rainbow promise. People, however, have done all sorts of evil things and ruined the world in many ways. Still, God has not destroyed the earth again. Instead God became Jesus and came to live among us to show us how we are meant to be. Some people got so very angry with Jesus that they killed him on a cross. Even as he was dying on their cross, Jesus forgave them for what they were doing to him. The day Jesus was killed was a horrible day. Jesus’ friends thought nothing in the world would ever be right again. Then, on the third day Jesus was alive. They saw him and talked to them. He told them that he would always be with them and would love them and forgive them. Every time you see or touch a cross this Lent, remember that story and God’s great, forgiving love. (This wording comes from the Carolyn Brown website). This is the New Covenant, the new promise, the New Testament that Jesus makes with us.
X Have a look at the crosses that congregational members have brought in and ask them; what does the cross mean to them or why their particular cross is significant to them. Go up to interview the people in the pew with the kids.
X Have a look at the display of crosses in the sanctuary if it is set up. Encourage the kids during the rest of the service to count how many crosses they can see inside the church. Get the pastor to tell the kids the total number during the announcements
Dear God, thank you for promising to never again destroy the world with a flood. Thank you for sending Jesus to take away our sins on the cross. We’re sorry for times we are mean and selfish. Please forgive us through Jesus. Amen.
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