Friday 17 February 2012

The Transfiguration
How do you do justice to the story of the transfiguration of Jesus when doing a kids’ talk? It’s hard enough preaching on these gospel accounts let alone proclaim them to kids in all their supernatural wonder, awe and mystery. Elijah and Moses suddenly being transported to Jesus side, God speaking to the disciples, Peter’s bizarre request of making booths, what would a seven year old boy make of this? It sounds a bit like a scene from Star Wars or a Star Trek episode! For me, when I do this one with the kids in church this weekend I will focus on Jesus going up and down the mountain (we have a few mountains in the high country of Victoria) and then his request to the disciples to not tell anyone. The “Messianic Secret” as it is called. Kids like secrets. I think I will gather them at the front of the church, ask them to huddle in close to me, within eat shot range, put my hand up to my mouth and whisper a secret in one of their ears, something like; "Psss, Jesus told his disciples don’t tell anyone what I’m telling you, keep it a secret."

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